tue 21 wed 22 thu 23 fri 24 sat 25 sun 26

WED 22


Cyberwitches web-to-print zine, part #1: install party and ABCs


w/ Lucile Olympe Haute

@/ Kulturverein zur Schießhalle
     Waldeggstraße 116, 4020 Linz


This workshop proposes to circulate texts, words and images according to a slow temporality and materiality, and to a limited audience. The chosen vehicle is micro-edition. You will produce the graphic layout of one of the texts gathered for the workshop (manifesto, open letter, short essay, fiction…). The corpus hinges on the triple intersection of political awareness, technological emancipation and spirituality. You can contribute with proposals. The method we’ll use to bring the texts together is appropriation through graphic design using open-source tools. Together, we’ll produce the new volume of the mini-anthology called “Cybersorcières”. This workshop is an introduction to web-to-print, i.e. graphic design for print using web tools and languages.
This introduction to basics is destined to beginners. Prerequisites are: one computer per person, equipped with a word processing program adapted to code (Visual Studio, Sublime Texte, Atom) and the Chromium or Firefox web browsers.

Registration is valid for both days!

You can register for the workshop here.

Lucile Haute


Lucile Olympe Haute is an artist, researcher and educator. Her research brings together spirituality, technologies and politics — understood in the broader sense of a committed and eco-responsible «living together» that goes beyond anthropocentrism and includes kingdoms of plants, animals and fungi, even the communities of bacteria in our biotopes. She combined these issues within her essay the Cyberwitches Manifesto, bringing together witches from different backgrounds, politically committed (such as ecofeminism, queer/transfeminism, technological emancipation) and involved into empowerment processes. She studied and made digital, multisupport and hybrid art books, addressing their sustainability. She uses and teaches css-print technics. She is the founder of the Web To Print Collection <web.2print.org>. She is a lecturer in art & design at the University of Nîmes (FR) and an associate researcher at École des arts décoratifs Paris (FR). lucilehaute.fr