tue 21 wed 22 thu 23 fri 24 sat 25 sun 26

THU 23

(Online) Talk

Modular graphic design with GlyphDrawing.Club


w/ Heikki Lotvonen

@/ Kulturverein zur Schießhalle
     Waldeggstraße 116, 4020 Linz

Modular graphic design with GlyphDrawing.Club is a talk exploring the process of creating modular graphics, type and illustration using the free online GlyphDrawing.Club -editor. We will also take a brief look at the history of text art and modular design, and more practically how you can create graphics, type and illustrations using the modular design method.

This talk is meant for everybody whether you are advanced in design looking for a new tool/process or just a curious mind.

The talk will be held in English.

GlyphDrawing.Club (www.glyphdrawing.club) is an online modular design and text art editor created by Heikki Lotvonen. Heikki works as a teacher, graphic designer and a web developer in Helsinki, but spends a majority of his time developing new and alternative tools for design.