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SUN 26


DIY audio hosting: Faircamp Setup Party


w/ Simon Repp

@/ Kulturverein zur Schießhalle
     Waldeggstraße 116, 4020 Linz


tl;dr: We’ll use Faircamp to generate and possibly put online our own audio sites. Bring your laptop and your music/soundfiles, we’ll take it from there. The developer is present.

If there’s one life-changing discovery you want to make today, make it this: The «Static Site Generator» (SSG). Where big platforms for hosting audio (or in fact anything on the web) provide a quick high but leave a persistent headache when enshittification ensues, SSGs are more like meditation: Unappealing and obscure from the outside, somewhat esoteric, and one usually needs chance, discipline, or crisis to get into it. But those who try tend to find a place of piece and calm, a place they remain with, or know they can always come back to when life hits hard. Faircamp (itself an SSG) is the same! You will need chance (you found this
text!), discipline (will you join?) or a crisis (are you one of the worried artists on bandcamp right now?), but you just might find your happy place!

You can register for the workshop here.

Simon Repp


Developer and designer with a focus on ethics, simplicity and sustainability.
